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Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk to Promote Better Health

Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk to Promote Better Health

Corey Hanson |

Sitting at a desk day in and day out can wreak havoc on the body, causing stress and strain on the back, neck, legs, shoulders, and wrists, while weakening muscles and joints. Prolonged sitting can even make these areas more susceptible to injuries, leading to fatigue and increased stress.

Thankfully, there are two effective ways to address these issues: 1) using ergonomic furniture and practices, and 2) incorporating desk exercises. By combining these factors, you can significantly improve your health and safety at work. While investing in ergonomic furniture is straightforward, finding the right exercises to perform at your desk requires some creativity and effort. Here’s a comprehensive list of exercises to help you:

Seated Leg Raises: Even if you don’t have a standing desk, you can perform effective exercises while seated. Seated leg raises are excellent for improving leg strength and flexibility, as well as targeting the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Here’s how to do them:

  • Sit up straight in your chair.
  • Straighten one leg until it’s parallel to the floor, hold for 10 seconds, and then repeat with the other leg.
  • Aim for 15 repetitions per leg.
  • If the exercise becomes too easy, add light leg weights.

Neck Stretches: Long hours of sitting can lead to tension and stress in the neck, exerting pressure on the neck and spinal nerves. This can cause chronic nerve conditions, headaches, stiffness, nerve pain, and more. To alleviate these issues, regular neck stretches can be highly beneficial. Try this relaxing neck stretch:

  • Lean your head forward.
  • Slowly roll it to one side, hold for 10 seconds, and repeat on the other side.
  • Perform the exercise three times in every direction, lifting your chin back to the starting position before changing direction.
  • You can also pull your head toward your shoulders on each side and hold for 10 to 15 seconds to further stretch the neck. Certain yoga poses can also improve neck health for those who sit for extended periods.

Leaning Plank and Core Exercises: Your core, which includes the hips, back, chest, and abs, plays a crucial role in maintaining stability and balance throughout your body. Strengthening the core is essential, especially for those who sit most of the day, as it improves posture, reduces neck and spine pressure, and alleviates back pain. Core stretches and exercises target various body areas, and incorporating exercises like leaning plank and chair dips also works on the arms and legs. You can perform other core exercises, including trunk rotation, pectoralis stretch, and a forward stretch, all while sitting in your office chair.

Wrist, Arm, and Shoulder Exercises: Typing for extended periods can strain the arms, shoulders, and wrists, particularly if you have poor posture and lack ergonomics. This can increase the risk of conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. To mitigate these risks and enhance productivity, consider wrist stretches and other exercises to strengthen these areas. Latissimus stretches, pushups, and triceps stretches can help improve arm and shoulder strength and flexibility, reducing the likelihood of injury and pain.

By incorporating these desk exercises and practicing ergonomics, you can significantly improve your overall health and well-being while working at your desk.