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Health From Ergonomics

Welcome to the world of Biomorph® furniture, where ergonomics meets comfort and health. Our specially designed desks provide a refreshing alternative for individuals who are concerned about the rising prevalence of repetitive stress injuries, as well as back and neck problems associated with prolonged computer use and ill-suited furniture.

At Biomorph®, we believe in revolutionizing the way you work. Our patented and unconventional design is crafted to align seamlessly with the human body, encouraging natural, comfortable, and efficient movement. Gone are the days of straining your muscles and feeling restricted in your workspace. With Biomorph® ergonomic furniture, you can experience a transformative shift in your work environment.

The immediate and long-term benefits of incorporating Biomorph® ergonomic furniture into your workspace are numerous. Not only will you find yourself more productive, but you’ll also experience a significant improvement in your personal well-being. Our furniture is meticulously crafted to create an environment that supports your body’s natural alignment, reduces strain on your muscles and joints, and promotes a healthy posture throughout your workday.

By choosing Biomorph®, you are choosing a healthier and more efficient way of working. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a workspace that is tailored to your needs. Join the countless individuals who have already embraced the advantages of Biomorph® ergonomic furniture and discover the positive impact it can have on your productivity and overall well-being.

  • Warranty

    We are confident in the craftsmanship and materials used in creating our ergonomic furniture, which is why we offer a guarantee of up to a 10-year warranty.

  • Quality

    At Biomorph®, we take immense pride in delivering adjustable height standing desks that exemplify the highest standards of quality and ergonomic excellence.

  • Service

    Our dedicated support team is here to assist you. Let us help you no matter your adjustable height standing desk workstation requirement

  • Adjustability

    Our innovative designs and cutting-edge technology allow for maximum adjustability and unparalleled comfort.

Ergonomics Improve

  • Productivity

    We understand the importance of productivity in today’s fast-paced world. That’s why our ergonomic desks and accessories are thoughtfully designed to promote good posture, reduce exertion, and encourage more activity throughout your workday.

    Studies have consistently shown that a well-designed ergonomic workspace can lead to a significant increase in productivity. In fact, research has indicated up to a 25% boost in productivity when individuals have access to ergonomic furniture that supports their physical well-being.

    Our ergonomic desks and accessories are crafted with your comfort and productivity in mind. From adjustable height options to customizable features, we provide you with the tools to create a workspace that suits your specific needs. By promoting proper posture and reducing strain on your body, our products enable you to work more efficiently and with less fatigue.

  • Employee Engagement

    We understand the significant impact that a positive work environment can have on employee satisfaction and productivity. By prioritizing the well-being of your workforce, you are not only creating a healthier and happier workplace but also fostering a sense of loyalty and dedication among your employees.

    When employees feel that their employer is genuinely invested in improving their work lives, they are more likely to experience reduced stress and fatigue.

    By providing ergonomic solutions and creating a workspace that promotes comfort and reduces physical strain, companies can effectively improve the well-being of their employees. Our ergonomic furniture is designed to alleviate common workplace discomforts and create an environment that supports good health and productivity. When employees feel supported and cared for, they are more motivated, engaged, and capable of delivering their best work.

  • Quality

    The impact of ergonomics on the performance and well-being of workers cannot be overstated. Poor ergonomics can lead to fatigue, discomfort, and decreased productivity, hindering employees from reaching their full potential. However, by prioritizing correct ergonomics, companies can create an environment that revitalizes and empowers their workforce.

    Investing in ergonomics is an investment in the success of both individual employees and the organization as a whole. By providing ergonomic workstations, tools, and training, companies demonstrate their commitment to the health and performance of their workforce.

    Don’t overlook the power of correct ergonomics in unlocking the full potential of your workforce. By creating an ergonomic work environment, you can transform fatigued workers into energized and productive assets, leading to improved overall work quality and organizational success.

Improved Health From Improved Posture

  • Recommended Sitting Posture

    To optimize your work environment and promote a healthier posture, follow these ergonomic guidelines:

    Chair Adjustment

    Ensure that your chair allows for a right angle at your knees and keeps your feet flat on the floor. This promotes proper circulation and reduces strain on your lower body. Adjust the height so that your keyboard surface forms a right angle at your elbows, relieving stress in your shoulders and arms while supporting your wrists.

    Monitor Positioning

    Adjust the monitor surface or use monitor arms to position the screen directly in front of you. Maintain a straight back and position your gaze straight ahead, with the top of the screen tilted downward by 10-15 degrees. This alignment helps prevent neck strain and encourages a neutral posture.

    Centralize Yourself

    Situate yourself in the center of the desk and maintain a relaxed posture. Avoid leaning excessively towards the computer screen, as this can lead to strain and discomfort. Take regular breaks and vary your position throughout the day, making use of sit-to-stand adjustments if available. An active work style promotes better circulation and reduces the risk of prolonged sitting-related issues.

    By implementing these ergonomic adjustments and adopting an active work style, you can enhance your comfort and well-being while minimizing the risk of musculoskeletal problems. Remember to prioritize frequent breaks and position changes to maintain optimal ergonomics throughout your workday.

  • Recommended Standing Posture

    To ensure a comfortable and healthy standing posture while working, follow these ergonomic guidelines:

    Stand with Stability

    Position yourself with your feet flat on the floor, maintaining a balanced and upright stance. This provides a solid foundation and promotes stability throughout your work session.

    Keyboard Surface Height

    Adjust the height of the keyboard surface so that your elbows form a right angle when typing. This positioning helps alleviate stress in your shoulders and arms, while ensuring proper support for your wrists.

    Monitor Alignment

    Position the monitor surface or use monitor arms to face directly towards you. Ensure that your back remains straight and your gaze is directed straight ahead. Angle the top of the screen downward by approximately 10-15 degrees. This setup promotes a neutral neck posture and minimizes strain on your upper body.

    Centralize Your Position

    Pull yourself into the center of the desk, maintaining a relaxed posture. Avoid leaning excessively towards the computer screen, as this can lead to discomfort and strain. Remember to take regular breaks and adjust your position periodically throughout the day. If available, utilize the sit-to-stand adjustment option to alternate between sitting and standing. An active work style is highly beneficial for your overall well-being.

Recommended Standing Posture

Biomorph’s complete ergonomic office solutions can help decrease costs of workstation related injury such as Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD) and Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). Consider these statistics on workstation-related costs and health issues:

  1. In the United States, employers spend more than $7.4 billion in workers compensation costs, and untold billions on medical treatment, litigation, hidden costs and lost productivity. (U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics).
  2. Musculoskeletal disorders are the country’s most costly category of workplace injuries and illnesses. In addition to spending $20 billion annually on workers’ compensation costs due to RSI, the U.S. spends another $100 billion on lost productivity, employee turnover, and other indirect expenses. (The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research)
  3. According to a survey conducted by CTD News, a common office cumulative trauma disorder -carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS- averaged $1,918 per case. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSHA) reports that by the year 2000 one half of all office workers may suffer symptoms of CTD. If the incidences should rise as NIOSHA predicts, 50% of all office workers will be averaging a CTD cost of $2,000 each.
  4. Injuries resulting from repeated motion (repetitive/cumulative trauma disorders–CTD) are growing. According to recent annual statistics from the U.S. Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, over 302,000 CTDs account for nearly two-thirds all of workplace related illnesses.
  5. Ergonomic disorders are the fastest growing category of work-related illness. According to the most recent statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, they account for 56 percent of illnesses reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
  6. Each year thousands of people are diagnosed with some kind of an illness directly related to poorly designed workstations. In the U.S., Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) has become the number one work related health problem, according to OSHA statistics.