Poor Posture Is Wrecking Your Body
You may already be feeling the general aches and pains of working at a computer all day, but it’s important to take steps to avoid the potentially serious physical injuries that are so commonly related to poor posture and desk use. Unless you’re using an adjustable desk and have sourced the best ergonomic chair for your physical and occupational needs, there’s a good chance you’re lacking in the good posture department.
You may start out sitting up straight, with feet firmly planted on the floor, arms bent at the elbows and resting comfortably at your sides, but as you get caught up in what you’re working on, it’s easy to forget about posture and, before you know it, you’re slouched over your computer keyboard and your muscles, joints and productivity pay the price.
These are some of the most common posture related injuries sustained by computer users, like yourself:
Hand & Arm Repetitive Stress Injuries
Using the same muscles and tendons in your hands, arms and elbows, day in day out, can certainly take its toll. Add poor posture to repeatedly using those same parts of the body and you can wind up with stiffness, aching and even numbness. Here are some ways to alleviate the stress put on your hands and arms while working at a computer:
- don’t pound on the keyboard but type as lightly as you can
- try to avoid long stretches of typing to give your hands and arms a break
- keep your computer mouse at the same height as your keyboard (and make sure your keyboard is in the best possible position for good posture)
- move the mouse using your whole arm, not just your wrist
Shoulder, Back & Neck Pain/Injury due to bad Posture
Combine sitting for long periods of time with a less-than-ideal workstation and bad posture and you’re setting yourself up for neck, back and shoulder strain. With poor posture comes poor circulation, which can cause muscles, joints and tendons to become stiff and sore.
Above all else, working at an adjustable desk with the best ergonomic chair for the task at hand is the way to minimize stress on these parts of the body. Add regular movement and stretching to a workstation that’s designed to promote good posture and you will be well on your way to a healthy, more productive way of working.
Take a major step as far as your health is concerned and improve your workstation once and for all. Browse the selection of high quality office furniture from Biomorph now and find the adjustable desk and ergonomic chair that are missing from your office clomid.